Thursday, May 27, 2010

alas no pictures

wow its been a month since i showed the world my awesomeness. are you guys ok? how did you manage to survive without seeing my beautiful handsome face and knowing what i have been up to? worry not. i am back. alas unfortunately you will have to live a few more days without seeing my gorgeous face. the camera's broke or some such thing.

but i can tell you whats been happening in my life. i've been learning how to drive! yes i know im a cat but you have to understand we are much smarter than you give us credit for and we just need the opportunity to prove that we can achieve great things. you humans really underestimate cats. we cats can make the world a better place just through our genius and sheer beauty and elegance. in other news i've taken to peeing on the beanbag.

do you realise how hot its become? seriously. i need a personal air conditioner following me around everywhere i go. or maybe the entire apartment and the great outdoors should be air conditioned. (note from Calvin's mom: by outdoors he means the apartment building corridors!). But since mommy and daddy really dont have the money to do that.... they went ahead and.... sob... shame of all shames.... they... they shaved me. sigh. i look like a skinny anked cat with a big head and a fluffy tail. i cry myself to sleep at night. but im seeing a therapist and im trying to access my inner beauty. i think my inner beauty might be a lion. i have the mane for it. repeat after me.... i look like a lion... i look like a lion. on the plus side at least im not boiling my ass off in a fur coat.