Friday, January 24, 2014

New Home

I'm finally coming to terms with my trauma and feel that i can try and express what i've been through. After an eternity plus 4 hours in the hells mobile, we came to a new place. i've looked all around, and even though all my stuff is here, i'm pretty sure this is a new location.

yep. i'm doomed. *stares out the window in horror*

Dumb blonde sister seems unfazed. or is that a scream of protest. i never know with her. stupid cat.

Big black is happy.

But then again, big black is happy anywhere as long as there are human slaves around. Big idiot is happy even in the hells mobile.

At least we have indoor stairs! lots of running up and down. maybe this isnt such a bad deal after all. i may have to rethink my plan of running away from home.

"Note from Calvin's mama: Its taken some time, and there has been shifts in the pecking order, but everyone has settled into the new home. Settled in so well that Calvin is back to his tricks of escaping and getting outside. At least we have Stormy whining alerts to tell us that the cat is outside."

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hi-Ho Again

It's been a while since i shared my awesomeness with the world. Life has been tough this past year and asserting my dominance over big black has been a full time job.

i think he has finally learnt his place and stays away from me and my swords of destruction

*extends his claws and kisses them*

in other news the big black has fallen in love with the little pest of sister of mine.

while that keeps the big blacks attentions away from me, it does make little pest think that she is the queen of the world and she thinks she is the boss of me. most of the time i let her think what she wants, after all she is a "special" child and we have to be kind to those that are utterly and totally daft.

While it is now summer and i disdain all and any human cuddling, once in a blue moon in winters i like to bestow upon my mommy the greatest joy she ever experiences, i cuddle in her lap.

well thats all for now world. you may continue with your worship of the great calvin. stay tuned for more awesomeness from moi.

Friday, June 22, 2012

dog days

its big, its black and it makes loud noises. its constant need for attention and play time is a nuisance. i dont understand why mommy and daddy got such big ugly four legger. i mean they have me, what more can they possibly need in life? i can maybe understand the pixie (stupid cat is having identity crisis... thinks her name is mano. wierdo.) she is small, quite and understands the meaning of a hiss and mostly keeps to herself. she is fun chase once in a while and small enough that i can beat the crap out of her if i want to. the big black one is too big, stupid and is the most indecisive creature i have ever come across... his tail is constantly wagging... i mean whats that about? whats so confusing to you, you big black mutt??

on the plus side he get this nummy pink milk which i sneak taste sometimes. yum yum yum. and the door stays open sometimes and i can sneak out more. heh. the mutt has learnt his place. a little bit. but needs constant reminders. dumbest thing ever. and i thought pixie was dumb

princess here. my name is MANO. you are the big dumb dumb you didnt know my name. hmmmfff. the big dark fuzzy is evil. he licks me. he slobbery. and big. and loud. he not understand my dominance of the world.   I AM THE PRINCESS. why he not bow down to me. and why he slobber on me??? he will understand. he will bow down to my GREATNESS!!!!!

wooof! ball ball ball. ssswqqqqqquuuuueeeeekkkkyyyyyyyyy. play play play. oohhhh small fuzzy adorabuhls. i can has lick?? lick lick lick. *big goofy tongue hanging out dog grin*

Friday, November 26, 2010

Calvin the problem child

calvin's mommy here. where to begin??? so many issues and foibles. lets start with the latest strangeness. this seems to be affecting them both - but i think pixie is probably following calvin's lead.

since monday the cat's sleeping pattern has altered. usually they play in the morning after breakfast. they sleep in the afternoons and are awake and alert in the evening and then sleep again at night.  they'll wake up from their naps when i come home in the evening - generally around 630 and have their evening meal.  normally they'll be active between 630 and 10, and more relaxed after 10. but since monday its been the opposite. they'll wake up from their afternoon sleep when i come home but unlike normal they'll go to sleep after the evening meal untill dinner time and then be wide awake post dinner. yesterday the followed more of the normal routine i.e. awake and playful for a few hours after 630. the only thing different seems to be that they got canned food in the afternoons from monday to wednesday. and yesterday they got their regular boiled stuff. strange. will have to observe closely and see what happens.

in other news calvin has finally gotten over his absolute fear of going out. for the past couple of months he had been absolutely terrified of going out. there was the multiple earthquake incidents, and the fire in the building, and teh repeated vet visits - all of which happened one after the other, in the space of 3 months. and all of which required bundling up the cats in a hurry and running outdoors. the earthquakes and fire were particularly traumatising because they were the running down the stairs at odd hours, huddlign outdoors and strange places and too many people and too much outdoors to take. all of that combined freaked the hell out of him and he showed zero interest in goign outside (whereas previously he loved taking walks with me) in fact there were a couple of times when he freaked out just because we picked him up! all that is behind us now and he insists on going outside at all random and inconvenient times of the day. training is insueing to try and get him out at a reasonable time. the problem with that is a reasonable time means that there are people outside and outdoor people are scary.

calvin did the strangest thing the other day. i gave them chopped up raw chicken and liver and heart. pixie was chewing on a piece (she had picked it up from her plate and was munching on it on the ground) calvin stops eating, stares at her for a while, makes a U turn around his place and faces pixie (they normally eat side by side) very casually reaches out with his paw and snatches pixie's morsel and happily muches away. (this is the same food he has in his plate btw). pixie has this stunned look on her face as if she has been horribly wronged and is shocked into non-action. to comfort her i offered her a piece of food from my hand and had to hand feed her the rest of the meal. calvin was so self satisfied with himself for stealing taht one piece that he left the rest of his food and sauntered off and stretched his statisfied post good meal stretch.

we are still struggling with calvin's finickyness and refusal to eat breakfast - which was the very same food as last nights evening meal which he ate happily. i dont get why he will eat the same food at one time and not at another time (and its not like the food has gone bad or been sitting around for days) from one meal to another, he decides that he doesnt like it and refuses to eat it.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Pixie Purrrss

Hi :) I'm pixie and i want to be your friend


I can has cuddle?
cuddle cuddle cuddle cuddle cuddle Purrrrrrr

poor little me is sick

Winter is here and I is sick. Poor little me.

Horrible horrible evil evil vet mean man poke me with needles. And I have to drink yucky medicines.
First pixie was sick and had evil vet smell. But she got ok and the evil smell went away. So then I let her cuddle.

But then I was sick and cold.

Then mommy took to evil vet. I no like. But I better now.

(p.s. comment from mommy – calvin is not sick in any of these pics – they are just his funny poses)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

earthquake and me

me no like. the ground under me was shaking (ok so more like my pedestal on the floor of the 4th floor apartment was shaking!) it disturbed my sweet slumber. i was happily sleeping on my pedestal when everthing started shaking and rattling. and i got picked up and taken outside! oh the horror. When mommy or daddy picks me up and carries me outside its usually to go to the V.E.T. ugh. But usually they put on their outside clothes when they do that, so when they jumped out of bed in the middle of the night and ran around like headless chickens while the world was shaking and grabbed me while still in their indoor night clothes i knew we were in for some trouble. and then horror of horrors, they ran down the stairs - do you know HOW LONG it take to go down 4 flights of stairs? i can tell you it takes too damn long. and THEN we just stood around the outside with lots and lots of humans. i held on to mommy for my dear life. even pixie was scared. i could tell. and she is usually too stupid to be scared of outside and humans. i think even she could feel that mommy and daddy were upset. i dont like it when they are upset. after some time (too too long!) we went back up and boy oh boy was i happy to be home. i don't understand why we had to go outside. by the time we got out of the door, the shaking had stopped. so why all the fuss. no one really explained nothing to me. i just hope it dont happen again. i don't like the outside. still its good mommy was holding me. i dont want to ever go anywhere without mommy.