calvin's mommy here. where to begin??? so many issues and foibles. lets start with the latest strangeness. this seems to be affecting them both - but i think pixie is probably following calvin's lead.
since monday the cat's sleeping pattern has altered. usually they play in the morning after breakfast. they sleep in the afternoons and are awake and alert in the evening and then sleep again at night. they'll wake up from their naps when i come home in the evening - generally around 630 and have their evening meal. normally they'll be active between 630 and 10, and more relaxed after 10. but since monday its been the opposite. they'll wake up from their afternoon sleep when i come home but unlike normal they'll go to sleep after the evening meal untill dinner time and then be wide awake post dinner. yesterday the followed more of the normal routine i.e. awake and playful for a few hours after 630. the only thing different seems to be that they got canned food in the afternoons from monday to wednesday. and yesterday they got their regular boiled stuff. strange. will have to observe closely and see what happens.
in other news calvin has finally gotten over his absolute fear of going out. for the past couple of months he had been absolutely terrified of going out. there was the multiple earthquake incidents, and the fire in the building, and teh repeated vet visits - all of which happened one after the other, in the space of 3 months. and all of which required bundling up the cats in a hurry and running outdoors. the earthquakes and fire were particularly traumatising because they were the running down the stairs at odd hours, huddlign outdoors and strange places and too many people and too much outdoors to take. all of that combined freaked the hell out of him and he showed zero interest in goign outside (whereas previously he loved taking walks with me) in fact there were a couple of times when he freaked out just because we picked him up! all that is behind us now and he insists on going outside at all random and inconvenient times of the day. training is insueing to try and get him out at a reasonable time. the problem with that is a reasonable time means that there are people outside and outdoor people are scary.
calvin did the strangest thing the other day. i gave them chopped up raw chicken and liver and heart. pixie was chewing on a piece (she had picked it up from her plate and was munching on it on the ground) calvin stops eating, stares at her for a while, makes a U turn around his place and faces pixie (they normally eat side by side) very casually reaches out with his paw and snatches pixie's morsel and happily muches away. (this is the same food he has in his plate btw). pixie has this stunned look on her face as if she has been horribly wronged and is shocked into non-action. to comfort her i offered her a piece of food from my hand and had to hand feed her the rest of the meal. calvin was so self satisfied with himself for stealing taht one piece that he left the rest of his food and sauntered off and stretched his statisfied post good meal stretch.
we are still struggling with calvin's finickyness and refusal to eat breakfast - which was the very same food as last nights evening meal which he ate happily. i dont get why he will eat the same food at one time and not at another time (and its not like the food has gone bad or been sitting around for days) from one meal to another, he decides that he doesnt like it and refuses to eat it.